St. Vincent Pallotti Vinpal Parish
St. Vincent Pallotti Church
Vijay Nagar, Marol (Archdiocese of Bombay)



Vinpal Church Marol Vinpal Church Marol Vinpal Church Marol

The Church had to be designed along the east west axis due to site conditions. This would create a problem as the west is the prevailing wind direction. Hence the plan for the new church evolved by joining 3 hexagons having sides of 8 meters each, and then projecting two of the sides to form the apex for the sanctuary and the altar. This fitted admirable with the brief of having the people all around and closer to the altar and at the same time departed with the traditionally rectangular form of the church. The shape took care of trapping the prevailing winds from the west by having part of the church on either side projecting, to catch the westerly breeze.


Moreover, since the side walls were different angles, the acoustical effects would be enhanced. Instead of the usual pattern of the ceiling beams found in churches, the beams were taken along the geometric lines of the centers of the hexagons thus forming triangles which again were at different angles to enhance acoustics which are always a problem in large halls and the provision of sound absorptive materials are expensive. The structure was designed as a grid with the larger beams spanning 22 mts being 1.2 x 0.5 in cross section with special tensile steel reinforcement and connectors. In order to disguise the size of the beams a groove was provided at the bottom to improve its looks. The church is 29.13 mts in length, 26.65 mts wide between the two hexagons and 13.30 mts wide along the lower hexagon with no columns internally to block the view and can accommodate about 600/650 persons sitting comfortably.


The interior of the church gives us the theme of 'new life'. The backdrop focuses on the risen Christ. Christ resurrected as our Leader and Saviour to give us the opportunity to repent and have our sins forgiven. The wooden panels resemble the wood of the Cross on which Christ was sacrificed to give us life.


He gave us the Holy Eucharist which is truly present in the Tabernacle which contains his body and blood, which is resembled on the face of the Tabernacle in the form of wheat and grapes with a cross and rays rising, depicting the fruit of Christ's death and resurrection.


The Holy Eucharist was instituted in the presence of the Apostles at the Last Supper, where bread and wine was changed into His body and His blood, where Christ said, "do this as a remembrance of me Lk. 22:9). We have this last supper carved in marble shaped like a cup, which is significant because Christ said, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood which will be poured out for you" (Lk. 22: 19-20). It is from this altar that the bread of life is broken and given to the people of God, "for the salvation of the world". (Jn. 6:33)


The lectern design had some part of it rough, some smooth and some deep lines which depict our lives which are rough and are smoothened by the Word of God which deepens our faith, the flowers remind us of the joy the Word of God gives and spreads around like its fragrance.


The Sacrament of Baptism is the sacred ceremony which gives us new life of sanctifying grace, making us children of God with a right to heaven, and as rightly said by Christ, "unless one is born of water and the spirit, he can not enter the Kingdom of God". (Jn. 3:5) it is this spirit, resembled on the marble of the baptismal font carved in the shape of a dove having seven sides around it, each side depicting the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit - wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord. It is these gifts of the Holy Spirit which help us discern the will of God and do it more willingly.


14 large stained fiber glass pictures depicting scenes from the Old and New Testament are placed all around the faithful to add to the grandeur of the church.


The well designed adoration chapel gives strength to those who visit it.


A community hall been constructed over the church with priest's quarters on one side and the sacristy, and the youth centre to the rear.


St. Vincent Pallotti Church, Vijay Nagar, Marol Maroshi Road, Andheri E, Mumbai - 400059
Contact : 022 29259328
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